Tinnitus 911 – Does it work? Negative Reviews, Forum, Pharmacy, Price, Where to Buy

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I’m sure you’ll agree that hearing is a sense we can hardly do without. It allows us to listen to and communicate with others, orient ourselves in space and hear dangers we don’t yet perceive. If someone is hearing impaired, a hearing aid is a great helper, but it has many drawbacks. For this reason, PhytAge Laboratories has invented the unique Tinnitus 911 method to help you restore hearing and hear well even without a hearing aid. How does this method work and does it really help? What experiences have others had with it? Find out in our review.

How hearing loss occurs

A distinction is made between hearing loss caused by a disorder of sound conduction and one that is based on a disorder of sound sensing. Sound conduction disorders are often caused mechanically, such as by earwax. The most common form of age-related hearing loss is one of sensorineural disease.

Age-related hearing loss

One of the most common causes of hearing loss is hearing loss in old age. Ciliary cells in the inner ear are damaged by wear and tear and burst. As a result, they can no longer transmit sound and we hear worse. From around the age of 40, hearing performance has steadily deteriorated. Hearing loss, which usually occurs gradually, is not always immediately recognized because sounds do not simply become quieter. Sounds and spoken words are perceived as unclear and “indistinct.”

Noise-induced hearing loss

Constant exposure to noise levels above 85 decibels, such as in industrial plants or noisy traffic, is very likely to lead to hearing loss. Even single extreme sounds, such as a bang at close range or an airplane taking off, can irreparably damage hearing. Similar to age-related hearing loss, the hairs in the inner ear are damaged and can no longer transmit sound.

Conductive or sensorineural hearing loss

Diseases or accidents can also cause hearing loss, such as otitis media, a broken ossicular chain or infectious diseases such as rubella or mumps. In such cases, one usually speaks of conductive or sensorineural hearing loss. Sound conduction disorders are impairments in the mechanical transmission of sound in the outer ear or middle ear region. Pathological changes in the eardrum or narrowing of the ear canal, inflammation, etc. are regularly responsible. In sensorineural hearing loss, the damage involves the inner ear or sometimes the auditory nerve that leads to the brain. The causes can be old age (premature hearing loss), noise, sudden hearing loss, inner ear infections, infectious diseases or Meniere’s disease. The latter is a disease of the inner ear in which there is a feeling of pressure in the ear, dizziness that lasts for hours, nausea and vomiting, and increasing hearing loss in the affected ear. The disease often begins with low-frequency disturbance and symptoms of pressure in the ear, until the first dizziness appears.


A special case of hearing problems is tinnitus – hissing or whistling in the ear. There are many possible causes: constant or continuous exposure to noise may be the culprit, but stress, metabolic diseases, inflammation of the jaw or teeth, or cervical spine problems can also often cause tinnitus. Therefore, it is difficult to find a specific trigger.

What is Tinnitus 911?

Tinnitus 911 is a very natural and simple method, with which anyone can get good hearing in just 28 days. With this method, you will once again hear perfectly what others are saying to you, without dangerous surgeries or expensive hearing aids. It doesn’t matter how old you are or how long you’ve had hearing problems. Even if your hearing loss is severe or you are in danger of becoming deaf, this method can help you.

What to watch out for?

Tinnitus 911 is a bark containing 100% natural substances. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients in this natural product, you should exercise caution when using it. But there is nothing to worry about, the natural composition of the product is its main advantage for allergy sufferers, who tolerate it well in most cases. In order for the desired effect of the product to occur, it is necessary to use it on a daily basis and, in fact, the so-called “product of the year”. replenishment.

How does the product work?

The Tinnitus 911 product was developed from a unique formula for restoring hearing. It contains only natural, safe and super effective substances. It comes in capsule form, making it convenient for anyone to use at home. This natural method will bring dead hearing cells back to life. It is a combination of active substances that are safe for the body. The effectiveness of the product has even been confirmed by major research centers in Europe and the US.

With Tinnitus 911, you will gain…

  • Hear what others are saying to you (even if they speak quietly and indistinctly)
  • You will be well understood (even from a distance and in noise)
  • Hear the news on the radio and the program on TV
  • Again, you can enjoy the singing of birds or the rustling of trees

How to use Tinnitus 911?

Tinnitus 911 comes in capsule form and can easily be self-dosed at home. It is enough to take 1 capsule twice a day, it is important to be systematic and take the capsules at the same time of day.

Who will Tinnitus 911 help?

Tinnitus 911 will help anyone who is hard of hearing or very hard of hearing. Even if you have been diagnosed with lifelong deafness, this method effectively rebuilds hearing cells and you can hear everything again. In addition, it will get rid of buzzing and whistling in the ears. By not having to wear a hearing aid, you will protect yourself from ear infections and further hearing loss. In this way, you will forget all the problems that plagued you because of bad hearing. You’ll be better at talking to people, talking on the phone and watching TV.

For whom is Tinnitus 911 intended?

  • If you have poor or very poor hearing
  • Suffering from tinnitus and whistling in the ears
  • Don’t hear or understand the whispers
  • Hearing aids are not right for you
  • Ashamed of your bad hearing

What is it used for?

Tinnitus 911 will help you hear well again, without expensive hearing aids or risky surgeries. You stop turning on the TV, asking for a replay or nodding off when someone says something and you can’t hear them. Tinnitus911 can do all this thanks to its natural bark, which effectively rebuilds and strengthens hearing cells. This will restore them to full function even in cases where it appears that hearing has already been lost.

  • You will get rid of the hissing and whistling that the machine itself produces
  • You can hear perfectly, also whispers
  • Protect yourself from infections caused by the device in your ear
  • You will no longer experience the embarrassment and discomfort of braces
  • Save thousands of crowns on batteries for your machine, machinery or operation

Why is Tinnitus 911 better than a hearing aid?

Tinnitus911 is a method of rebuilding hearing cells, so it is not a simple “amplifier” of sounds like a hearing aid. In addition, with this method there is no risk of buzzing and whistling in the ears, as is the case with wearing a hearing aid, which can also cause infections and inflammation in the ear. Many people also say they have become accustomed to hearing aids and can no longer hear without them.

My experience with Tinnitus 911

I also have my own experience with Tinnitus 911. It was recommended to me by a friend when I shyly confided in her that I had very poor hearing. At only 41 years old, wearing a hearing aid seems really premature. Besides, I know from my grandfather that a hearing aid does not suit him at all, and he would rather come to terms with his deafness than wear one. However, I decided to fight my poor hearing.

How did it all start for me? At first it seemed to me that everyone was talking quietly, and in the noise I could not understand people at all. I always literally strained my hearing and often begged to repeat sentences until I felt embarrassed. Some of my friends said things like: “You are as deaf as a log” and the like. Gradually I began to nod, even if I did not understand others.

How to order the product?

You can easily order Tinnitus 911 online from the seller’s website . All you need to do is fill out a simple form, and after a few days you will receive a shipment, which you will pay the courier or letter carrier. So you don’t have to send any money online or pay by card in advance. By registering for the discount club, you will also receive a 50% discount. Registration is easy and fast.

jest dietetykiem z 14-letnim doświadczeniem w dziedzinie żywienia i 8-letnimi badaniami w dziedzinie nauk o zdrowiu, na temat których opublikowała liczne artykuły w indeksowanych czasopismach naukowych. Oprócz pracy w zakresie żywienia i badań prowadzi także recenzje leków i suplementów, służąc swoją wiedzą i doświadczeniem w ocenie tych produktów. Obecnie pracuje jako Konsultant Żywieniowy, gdzie wykorzystuje swoją rozległą wiedzę i umiejętności, doradzając osobom i organizacjom, jak poprawić swoje zdrowie poprzez odżywianie.

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