Atinnuris – Does it work? Negative Reviews, Forum, Pharmacy, Price, Where to Buy

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Atinnuris is the name of a natural supplement that, according to some reviews that have already appeared on forums, can help counteract the hearing problems . How does Atinnuris natural medicine work? What benefits can you expect from these capsules? Are the ingredients in the formula really natural? What is the price and can it be purchased directly from the official website?

We have tried to include all the answers to these and many other questions in this comprehensive review of this innovative hearing health supplement for people of all ages.

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What is sudden deafness?

Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (“inner ear”) (SSHL), commonly known as sudden deafness, is an unexplained, sudden loss of hearing that occurs simultaneously or lasts for several days. SSHL happens because something is wrong with the sensory organs of the inner ear. Sudden deafness often affects only one ear.

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People with SSHL often discover hearing loss upon waking up in the morning. Others notice it for the first time when they try to use the stunned ear, such as when using the phone. Still others notice a loud, alarming “beep” just before hearing loss. People with sudden deafness may also notice one or more of these symptoms: a feeling of fullness in the ears, dizziness and/or ringing in the ears, such as tinnitus. (For more information, read the NIDCD Tinnitus fact sheet .)

Sometimes people with SSHL put off seeing a doctor because they think their hearing loss is due to allergies, a sinus infection, wax clogging the ear canal or other common conditions. However, you should consider sudden symptoms of deafness as a medical emergency and see a doctor immediately. Although about half of people with SSHL recover some or all of their hearing spontaneously, usually within one to two weeks of onset, delaying the diagnosis and treatment of SSHL (if warranted) can reduce the effectiveness of treatment. Timely treatment greatly increases the chance of regaining at least some hearing.

Experts estimate that SSHL affects between one and six people out of every 5,000 each year, but the actual number of new SSHL cases each year may be much higher because SSHL often goes undiagnosed. SSHL can happen to people of any age, but it most often affects adults in their late forties and early fifties.

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What causes sudden deafness?

A variety of disorders affecting the ear can cause SSHL, but only about 10 percent of people diagnosed with SSHL have an identifiable cause.

Some of these conditions include:

  • Infections.
  • Head injury.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Exposure to certain drugs that treat cancer or severe infections.
  • Blood circulation problems.
  • Neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis.
  • Disorders of the inner ear, such as Ménière’s disease. (For more information, read the NIDCD Fact Sheet Ménière’s Disease.)

Most of these causes are accompanied by other conditions or symptoms that indicate a correct diagnosis. Another factor to consider is whether the hearing loss occurs in one or both ears. For example, if sudden hearing loss occurs in only one ear, tumors of the auditory nerve should be ruled out as the cause. An autoimmune disease can cause SSHL in one or both ears.

What is Atinnuris?

Atinnuris is a supplement created from 4 natural ingredients. It is a product that offers a safe and effective way to combat and prevent hearing problems. Atinnuris has already won many reviews calling it safer, even with long-term use, than other ear products on the market and in pharmacies. Atinnuris is an effective option for people who want to promote proper hearing, cognitive and mental health. Men and women of all ages who have already used it confirm that they got results and benefits from the first days of taking it. Being a natural supplement, its use is simple and its purchase does not require a prescription.

The hearing product has no downside, as its composition consists of natural ingredients.

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Effects and benefits

Atinnuris is a natural medicine containing vitamins, minerals and herbs known to be able to counteract hearing problems and:

  • Can improve hearing and eliminate tinnitus
  • It can improve blood circulation.
  • It helps reduce stiffness in the ear muscles;
  • It helps calm the nervous system and improve the body’s defenses.
  • The plant extracts included in the composition have a beneficial effect on the overall condition of the body, and can contribute to cell regeneration and hearing restoration;
  • It contributes to the normalization of the sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin absorbs free radicals that target cells and cause stress and lack of sleep;


Here is a list of natural ingredients present in the composition of the capsules Atinnuris , which make them different and safer than products sold in pharmacies:

  • Melatonin – can improve blood supply to the vagus ear, help relieve spasms and pains, and prevent the harmful effects of free radicals;
  • Magnesium – supports nerve regeneration after noise-induced hearing loss or impairment, helps improve transmission of sound information to the brain
  • Ginkgo biloba – helps restore ear cells, helps reduce tinnitus, improves vascular tone and may slow natural age-related hearing changes
  • Vitamin B – helps improve blood flow to the inner ear, can act as an antioxidant and maintain normal brain function.

All the ingredients in the formula for better hearing are of natural origin. They are all certified of origin and hypoallergenic. Modern technology allows these ingredients to be combined in extremely high concentrations for optimal results.

There are no known contraindications or side effects of the ingredients Atinnuris .

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Reviews Atinnuris On online forums? Does it really work?

According to the opinions of the team of experts who developed this product, Atinnuris works by combining cross-cutting benefits. Atinnuris Helps the body get rid of toxins to improve the condition of the inner ear canal. It also helps regenerate hair cells in the inner ear and promotes proper circulation, helping to fight inflammation and prevent further cell damage in the ear.

With improved circulation, the formula facilitates the delivery of nutrient-enriched, oxygenated blood to inner ear cells to improve cellular function. In addition, to eliminate free radicals and provide continuous cell protection, the formula Atinnuris would be able to fight oxidative stress.

The supplement would therefore offer numerous benefits to ensure overall hearing health.

Here are all the most powerful benefits, according to reviews and opinions expressed in online forums:

  • Increases blood flow to the cochlea and inner ear cells to improve vibration and auditory transduction;
  • Reduces oxidative damage caused by noise pollution;
  • It helps more effectively remove toxins that damage or kill the ciliary cells of the inner ear (this feature is very useful because it eliminates toxins that affect the ability to capture low decibel sounds);
  • Increases glutathione levels to help protect the body from oxidative damage to ear cells and vascular inflammation;
  • It offers nutrients to counteract the decline in nutrient supply due to aging;
  • It improves blood vessels and circulation:
  • It offers vitamins and minerals that help with overall health and well-being;
  • Reduces cell degeneration due to reduced levels of the stress hormone (cortisol);

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How to use Atinnuris ? Dosage and instructions for use

How to use Atinnuris for hearing? The supplement is formulated in easy-to-take capsules. Each package contains 30 capsules. The package insert and information leaflet recommend taking the capsules the day before or after a meal. According to the opinions of those who have already bought these capsules, it would be advisable to take the capsules in the morning to get the best results throughout the day.

Side effects and contraindications?

Thanks to its natural formula, the supplement Atinnuris Has no side effects. Even if they are natural ingredients, an overdose can lead to mild side effects. For these reasons, the manufacturer and expert reviews recommend never exceeding the recommended daily serving.

What is the price and where to buy?

Official site offers 50% discount from list price Atinnuris , free shipping and the ability to pay for the product even on delivery without a price increase. There is currently a -50% promotion.

Just fill out a simple form and send your order. After confirming your address, the phone advisor who will call you will receive the product directly to your home in just a few days.

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